Shallowater Methodist Church
With the knowledge that the Shallowater Methodist Church has not offered a Vacation Bible School in over five years, I appreciate the endeavors and participation of everyone who played a role in this year’s Vacation Bible School. I claim it as a success, giving God all glory and honor. In the minds of some people, Vacation Bible School this year would not be a success. I say this because there were only five (5) or six (6)children attending each day. However, from my perspective, and I hope for those assisting each day, and from God’s view, it was a success. We planted the seed of the Gospel in the minds, and I pray, the hearts and lives of those five (5) or six (6) children. Those five (5) or six (6) children may not be a part of our congregation, yet they serve a starting point for us to seize and build upon for growing the kingdom of God. God does not view success on quantity, rather God looks and views success based on the QUALITY, and the premise of touching lives by assisting to establish a relationship with HIM and offering the Gospel of Jesus Christ! By our partnership with CEF in offering this Vacation Bible School this past week, we create an opportunity to offer a Good News Club to the children of Shallowater Elementary and Middle Schools, which might create an environment and opportunity to connect with families in Shallowater that are unchurched! New beginnings start with one small step and continue taking steps. Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ begins with one pe3rson sharing the story of Jesus and what Jesus has done in that person’s life with another person; it is a lot like planting seeds, one seed at a time. When I consider all that this congregation has accomplished over the past 100 years, as well as knowing what God desires, there is nothing that CANNOT be accomplished through this “Body of Christ” known as Shallowater Methodist Church. We serve a mighty God that can and will produce great and mighty things from our
small congregation. We simply must remain faithful to HIM and faithful to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. AND WE MUST KEEP PLANTING GOSPLE SEEDS!
In HIS grace and service!
Pastor Tom