Shallowater Methodist Church
Words of Welcome
Here at Shallowater Methodist Church we long to know the love of God and share it. We welcome all people into our church in hopes to show them love like they have never seen before. We want all people to connect with a small group in the church to grow in their faith and relationship with God. We hope as people grow they will go into the world, starting with Shallowater, and tell of how Christ has transformed their lives. We hope and pray that you would consider being a part of our Christian community. We would enjoy assisting you in any way possible. If there is anything we can do please let us know.

Sunday Worship Schedule
Current Study in Sunday School
Connect With Us:
809 Texas Ave
Shallowater, TX 79363
Office Hours: M-Th 8 am-12 pm
Phone: (806) 832-4424
Sunday School: 9:45 am
Sunday Worship: 10:45 am

The Church Facebook page is a great way to connect with other church members and stay up-to-date with current events.